While you are already at the Home Expo finding the perfect fit for your new home construction or remodel project, you and your kids can have a little bit of fun as well. Just like in years past, there will be a scavenger hunt for kids to participate in. Once complete, they will get a prize!
Additionally, we will have the following mini events going on during the Expo:

Lowes of Radford will be there on Saturday, April 1st from 10am-12pm. They will have projects kits for kids to build birdhouses and birdfeeders. There will be a limited number of items so it will be first come, first serve. www.lowes.com

Paint ‘n Fun Ceramics will be there on Saturday, April 1st from 1pm-3pm. They will have mini canvases for kids that can be painted and take home after they have dried. They will have inspiration photos of canvas creations. These items will also be first come, first serve. www.paintnfunceramics.com

Floyd Humane Society will be holding an adoption on Saturday (weather permitting) for you to meet and greet some of their wonderful dogs and cats that you could adopt. You will not be able to take home an adoptive dog or cat the day of the event, but would be able to get the process started. www.floydhumanesociety.org
You can be inspired by the Lego creations that kids built and entered for the Lego Home Building Contest. You can also vote for your favorite! On Sunday, April 2nd, we will have a LEGO building station set up for the kids to show off those building skills. As always there will also be booths set up to learn more about Careers in Construction and other non-profits and community businesses and organizations.
Be sure to look for these fun activities for you and your kids. We can’t wait to see you soon!
We look forward to seeing you at the show! Check out the current exhibitors, events at the Expo, and get your tickets at www.nrvhomeexpo.com. Use code fun23 to save $2 on the Early Bird ticket price!